Every gift makes a difference

Help support SoundWaters Hands-on Environmental Science Programs.Every gift makes a difference.  Here are some examples of what your gift can do:

$25 = 5 hydrometers for water quality testing

$50 = a month’s worth of salt for the Horseshoe Crab Tank

$125 = a 1-hour hands-on educational program for 25 students

$250 = 5 new life jackets

$500 = fish food for a month

$725 = 2-weeks of summer camp

$1, 095 = a sail aboard the Schooner SoundWaters for up to 42 students

$2, 500 = a day long coastal exploration for 150 students

$5,000 = new tanks and filters for the Teaching Aquarium

$12,000 = a new navigation system for the Schooner SoundWaters

Help support SoundWaters Hands-on Environmental Science Programs.

SoundWaters is the #1 choice of schools that study the science of Long Island Sound. This past year over 26,000 students learned and explored through educational programs at SoundWaters. We need your help to make these exceptional programs available to all students. Please consider a gift to the SoundWaters Annual Fund.

Every contribution makes a difference!

Thank you!

Click here to make a gift to the Annual Fund today